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Connecting Banyan Applications To MQTT

The MQTT Gateway is a Banyan component that can subscribe to receive MQTT messages from the MQTT network, and then forward those messages to the Banyan network. It also can subscribe to receive Banyan messages, and then forward those to the MQTT network.

The MQTT Gateway is installed as a command-line executable when Python Banyan is installed. To invoke the MQTT Gateway, open a terminal window and type:


There are several optional command-line parameters available in mgw. For the examples that follow, the default values are accepted

Here is a list of all the optional parameters.

mgw -h

                       [-d MQTT_PORT] [-e BANYAN_PUB_TOPIC]
                       [-g BANYAN_SUB_TOPICS [BANYAN_SUB_TOPICS ...]]
                       [-i MQTT_PUB_TOPIC]
                       [-j MQTT_SUB_TOPICS [MQTT_SUB_TOPICS ...]]
                       [-n PROCESS_NAME] [-p PUBLISHER_PORT]
                       [-s SUBSCRIBER_PORT] [-t LOOP_TIME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a MQTT_IP_ADDRESS    IP address of mqtt broker
                        None or IP address used by Back Plane
  -d MQTT_PORT          MQTT Port Number
  -e BANYAN_PUB_TOPIC   Topic for messages to MQTT
                        Banyan topics space-delimited: topic1 topic2 topic3
  -i MQTT_PUB_TOPIC     Topic for messages sent to MQTT
                        MQTT topics space-delimited: topic1 topic2 topic3
  -n PROCESS_NAME       Set process name in banner
  -p PUBLISHER_PORT     Publisher IP port
  -s SUBSCRIBER_PORT    Subscriber IP port
  -t LOOP_TIME          Event Loop Timer in seconds

When the MQTT Gateway is invoked, it automatically connects to both the Banyan Backplane and the MQTT Broker.

Before running the following examples, make sure that you have a mosquitto broker and a Python Banyan Backplane running.

Example 1: Pure MQTT Publish And Subscribe

This example will publish a simple MQTT message to be received by a simple MQTT subscriber.

MQTT Publisher

Below is the code for a simple MQTT publisher that publishes a single message and exits.

import json

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

# This is a simple MQTT publisher example.
# It connects to an MQTT broker, builds a payload and
# then publishes the message with a topic of "mqtt_network".

my_client = mqtt.Client()
my_client.connect("localhost", 1883, 60)
z = {'from_mqtt_client': 'hello'}

payload = json.dumps(z).encode()
my_client.publish("mqtt_network", payload)

MQTT Subscriber

The MQTT subscriber connects to an MQTT broker and subscribes to 2 topics. The mqtt_network messages are for messages originated on the MQTT network. The from_banyan messages are messages that were originated on the Banyan network. For this first example, no messages are originated from the Banyan network.

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import json

# This is a simple MQTT subscriber example.
# It connects to an MQTT broker and
# subscribes to "mqtt_network" messages
# and prints a message when one is received.

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
    print("Connected with result code " + str(rc))

def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
    m = msg.payload.decode()
    x = json.loads(m)

my_client = mqtt.Client()
my_client.connect("localhost", 1883, 60)

my_client.on_connect = on_connect
my_client.on_message = on_message


First, we start the subscriber and then the publisher. The subscriber prints any messages it receives. Here is the subscriber console output after running the publisher:

Connected with result code 0
{'from_mqtt_client': 'hello'}

Example 2: Publishing a Banyan Message To the MQTT Network

Start the MQTT Gateway by opening a terminal window and typing: mgw

The Gateway connects to the Python Backplane and the MQTT broker

$ mgw

MqttGateway using Back Plane IP address:
Subscriber Port = 43125
Publisher  Port = 43124
Loop Time = 0.1 seconds
MQTT Gateway Connected to MQTT localhost:1883 with result code 0.

If it not already running, start the MQTT subscriber,

To generate a message from Banyan to the MQTT network, we will use a Banyan component called

from python_banyan.banyan_base import BanyanBase

class Bpub(BanyanBase):
    This class will publish a message for the MqttGateway to forward to the MQTT network.

    def __init__(self):
        This is constructor for the Bpub class


        # initialize the base class
        super(Bpub, self).__init__(process_name='Bpub')

        # send a message to the MqttGateway
        self.publish_payload({'from_banyan': 'hello_mqtt_world'}, 'to_mqtt')

        # exit

b = Bpub()

If we then start the and look at the MQTT Subscriber's output, we see the message from Banyan was sent out over MQTT and received by the MQTT subscriber:

~/PycharmProjects/python_banyan$ python3

Connected with result code 0
{'from_banyan': 'hello_mqtt_world'}

The Gateway received a Banyan message, translated it to an MQTT message, published this message on the MQTT network, and received the translated message by the MQTT subscriber.

Example 3: Publishing an MQTT Message To the Banyan Network

In this example, an MQTT message will be published by The MQTT Gateway will receive this message. It will then translate this message to a Banyan message and publish the message to the Banyan network.

A Banyan component called subscribes to receive the translated message and will publish it to the console.

To run this example, start the MQTT Gateway as we did in Example 2.


from python_banyan.banyan_base import BanyanBase

class Bsub(BanyanBase):
    This class will receive any MQTT messages intercepted by MqttGateway

    def __init__(self):
        This is constructor for the Bpub class


        # initialize the base class
        super(Bsub, self).__init__(process_name='Bsub')

        # subscribe to receive MQTT messages processed
        # by the MqttGateway

        # start the receive_loop

    def incoming_message_processing(self, topic, payload):
        print(topic, payload)

b = Bsub()

And finally, start the MQTT publisher


Looking at the console for, we see that the message was received from the MQTT network and received by the Banyan network.


Bsub using Back Plane IP address:
Subscriber Port = 43125
Publisher  Port = 43124
Loop Time = 0.1 seconds
from_mqtt {'from_mqtt_client': 'hello'}

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