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Additional Banyan Gateways

MQTT Gateway

If you need to interconnect with MQTT, a Banyan MQTT Gateway has been provided. This gateway has been documented here.

WebSocket Gateway

The OneGPIO Demo Examples include Web pages to control an Arduino, ESP-8266, and Raspberry Pi. The WebPages publish commands via a WebSocket connection. This gateway translates the WebSocket command messages to OneGPIO command messages. It also translates OneGPIO reporter messages to WebSocket reporter messages to allow reports to be displayed on the Web page.

The WebSocket IP address that this component uses is localhost since it is intended to be used in conjunction with a Web Browser running on the same computer as the Gateway. The WebSocket IP port is fixed to a value of 9000. If you need to, you can modify the supplied code to allow the user to modify these values on the command line.


The WebSocket Gateway utilizes a Python asyncio WebSocket library. It requires that Python 3.7 or higher be used.

A Quick Overview Of The WsGateway Component

The Banyan WebSocket Gateway is an executable Banyan component. It follows the command line patterns exposed in the Banyan User's Guide:

usage: [-h]
                     [-b BACK_PLANE_IP_ADDRESS]
                     [-m SUBSCRIPTION_LIST [SUBSCRIPTION_LIST ...]]
                     [-n PROCESS_NAME] [-p PUBLISHER_PORT]
                     [-s SUBSCRIBER_PORT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        None or IP address used by Back Plane
                        A space delimited list of topics
  -n PROCESS_NAME       Set process name in banner
  -p PUBLISHER_PORT     Publisher IP port
  -s SUBSCRIBER_PORT    Subscriber IP port

A Quick Look At The WsGateway Internals

Once again, a block of code will be presented, followed by a discussion.

    24  import argparse
    25  import asyncio
    26  import datetime
    27  import json
    28  import signal
    29  import sys
    31  import websockets
    33  from python_banyan.banyan_base_aio import BanyanBaseAIO
    36  class WsGateway(BanyanBaseAIO):
    37      """
    38      This class is a gateway between a websocket client and the
    39      Banyan network.
    41      NOTE: This class requires Python 3.7 or above.
    43      It implements a websocket server. A websocket client, upon
    44      connection, must send an id message e.g.: {"id": "to_arduino"}.
    46      The id will be used as the topic to publish data to the banyan
    47      network.
    48      """
    50      def __init__(self, *subscription_list, back_plane_ip_address=None,
    51                   subscriber_port='43125',
    52                   publisher_port='43124', process_name='WebSocketGateway',
    53                   event_loop=None):
    54          """
    55          These are all the normal base class parameters
    56          :param subscription_list:
    57          :param back_plane_ip_address:
    58          :param subscriber_port:
    59          :param publisher_port:
    60          :param process_name:
    61          :param event_loop:
    62          """
    64          # initialize the base class
    65          super(WsGateway, self).__init__(subscriber_list=subscription_list,
    66                                          back_plane_ip_address=back_plane_ip_address,
    67                                          subscriber_port=subscriber_port,
    68                                          publisher_port=publisher_port,
    69                                          process_name=process_name,
    70                                          event_loop=event_loop)
    71          # save the event loop
    72          self.event_loop = event_loop
    74          # array of active sockets
    75          self.active_sockets = []
    77          try:
    78              # start the websocket server and call the main task, wsg
    79              self.start_server = websockets.serve(self.wsg, '', 9000)
    80              self.event_loop.run_until_complete(self.start_server)
    81              self.event_loop.run_forever()
    82          except (websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed,
    83                  RuntimeError,
    84                  KeyboardInterrupt):
    85              sys.exit()

In this section of code, the necessary packages are imported and we define the WsGateway class, which is derived from BanyanBaseAIO.

Being an asyncio based class, one of the parameters that may be passed to this class is an asyncio event loop. Usually, the default event loop is used, but you can supply your own event loop if you need to.

This component implements a WebSocket server that permits connections to multiple WebSocket clients. An empty array, self.active_sockets is created on line 75 to store a record for each connected socket.

Lines 79-85 start the WebSocket server. When a client connects to the WebSocket server, the wsg method is called on line 79.

For information about the WebSocket server, please go to this link.

    87    async def wsg(self, websocket, path):
    88          """
    89          This method handles connections and will be used to send
    90          messages to the client
    91          :param websocket: websocket for connected client
    92          :param path: required, but unused
    93          :return:
    94          """
    95          # start up banyan
    96          await self.begin()
    98          # wait for a connection
    99          data = await websocket.recv()
   101          # expecting an id string from client
   102          data = json.loads(data)
   104          # if id field not present then raise an exception
   105          try:
   106              id_string = data['id']
   107          except KeyError:
   108              print('Client did not provide an ID string')
   109              raise
   111          # create a subscriber string from the id
   112          subscriber_string = id_string.replace('to', 'from')
   114          # subscribe to that topic
   115          await self.set_subscriber_topic(subscriber_string)
   117          # add an entry into the active_sockets table
   118          entry = {websocket: 'to_banyan_topic', subscriber_string: websocket}
   119          self.active_sockets.append(entry)
   121          # create a task to receive messages from the client
   122          await asyncio.create_task(self.receive_data(websocket, data['id']))

The wsg method is called when a WebSocket client connects to the WebSocket Gateway. Line 96 establishes the zeromq subscriber and publisher sockets for this component as well as providing a connection to the Banyan Backplane.

Line 99 waits to receive initial identification data from a WebSocket client. This data is used to create a subscription topic for the WebSocket Gateway.

Using the Arduino Demo Station Page as an example, the ID string sent as a WebSocket message from the Web page is "to_arduino_gateway." This ID string is used to create subscription topic strings that the WebSocket Gateway uses for its operation. This is accomplished on lines 112-115.

An entry for the socket connection is created and added to the active_websockets array. The entry is used to dispatch messages to the correct WebSocket during data transfer. This is accomplished on lines 118-119.

Line 122 creates an asyncio task to continuously receive WebSocket messages from any connected WebSocket client. This task passes these messages to the receive_data method for further processing.

   124      async def receive_data(self, websocket, publisher_topic):
   125          """
   126          This method processes a received WebSocket command message
   127          and translates it to a Banyan command message.
   128          :param websocket: The currently active websocket
   129          :param publisher_topic: The publishing topic
   130          """
   131          while True:
   132              try:
   133                  data = await websocket.recv()
   134                  data = json.loads(data)
   135              except (websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed, TypeError):
   136                  # remove the entry from active_sockets
   137                  # using a list comprehension
   138                  self.active_sockets = [entry for entry in self.active_sockets if websocket not in entry]
   139                  break
   141              await self.publish_payload(data, publisher_topic)

The receive_data method processes WebSocket messages sent from the WebSocket client. The message is in the form of a JSON message and it is decoded on line 134. The message is then published as a Banyan OneGPIO message on line 141.

   143      async def incoming_message_processing(self, topic, payload):
   144          """
   145          This method converts the incoming messages to ws messages
   146          and sends them to the ws client
   148          :param topic: Message Topic string.
   150          :param payload: Message Data.
   151          """
   152          if 'timestamp' in payload:
   153              timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['timestamp']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
   154              payload['timestamp'] = timestamp
   156          ws_data = json.dumps(payload)
   158          # find the websocket of interest by looking for the topic in
   159          # active_sockets
   160          for socket in self.active_sockets:
   161              if topic in socket.keys():
   162                  pub_socket = socket[topic]
   163                  await pub_socket.send(ws_data)
   164                  # print(ws_data)

The incoming_message_processing method is the standard Banyan message processing method, overwritten to process OneGPIO messages received from the target hardware in the form of a report message. Using the topic of the message as a key, it looks up the associated WebSocket in the active_sockets array and publishes the message to the correct WebSocket.

On lines 152-154, if the gateway provided a timestamp, the timestamp is formatted and appended to the report message. Line 156 encodes the message as a JSON message and sends the message to the WebSocket client on line 163.

   167  def ws_gateway():
   168      # allow user to bypass the IP address auto-discovery. This is necessary if the component resides on a computer
   169      # other than the computing running the backplane.
   171      parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
   172      parser.add_argument("-b", dest="back_plane_ip_address", default="None",
   173                          help="None or IP address used by Back Plane")
   174      # allow the user to specify a name for the component and have it shown on the console banner.
   175      # modify the default process name to one you wish to see on the banner.
   176      # change the default in the derived class to set the name
   177      parser.add_argument("-m", dest="subscription_list", default="from_arduino_gateway, "
   178                                                                  "from_ESP8266_gateway, "
   179                                                                  "from_rpi_gateway, "
   180                                                                  "from_microbit_gateway", nargs='+',
   181                          help="A space-delimited list of topics")
   182      parser.add_argument("-n", dest="process_name", default="WebSocket Gateway",
   183                          help="Set process name in banner")
   184      parser.add_argument("-p", dest="publisher_port", default='43124',
   185                          help="Publisher IP port")
   186      parser.add_argument("-s", dest="subscriber_port", default='43125',
   187                          help="Subscriber IP port")
   189      args = parser.parse_args()
   191      subscription_list = args.subscription_list.split(',')
   193      kw_options = {
   194          'publisher_port': args.publisher_port,
   195          'subscriber_port': args.subscriber_port,
   196          'process_name': args.process_name,
   197      }
   199      if args.back_plane_ip_address != 'None':
   200          kw_options['back_plane_ip_address'] = args.back_plane_ip_address
   202      # get the event loop
   203      loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
   205      WsGateway(*subscription_list, **kw_options, event_loop=loop)
   208  def signal_handler(sig, frame):
   209      print('Exiting Through Signal Handler')
   210      raise KeyboardInterrupt
   213  # listen for SIGINT
   214  signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
   215  signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
   217  if __name__ == '__main__':
   218      ws_gateway()

Lines 167-219 implement the standard way of instantiating a Banyan component.

TCP Gateway

The TCP gateway is an example of a specialized Banyan gateway. This gateway was designed to permit communication between a Banyan application and any TCP server supporting TCP/IP sockets and MessagePack.

Testing of the TCP gateway utilized a TCP server running on Raspberry Pi Pico W loaded with MicroPython. MicroPython supports both TCP sockets as well as MessagePack.

The TCP gateway is implemented as a TCP client. A command line executable, called tgw, is installed when python_banyan is installed. Typically one uses the TCP gateway by invoking it through its command line and arguments.

Here are the command-line arguments that tgw supports:

tgw --help
usage: tgw [-h] [-a TCP_IP_ADDRESS] [-b BACK_PLANE_IP_ADDRESS]
           [-e BANYAN_PUB_TOPIC]
           [-z PROCESS_NAME]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a TCP_IP_ADDRESS     IP address TCP Server
                        None or IP address used by Back Plane
  -e BANYAN_PUB_TOPIC   Topic for messages to the host PC
                        Banyan topics space delimited: topic1 topic2 topic3
  -l EVENT_LOOP         asyncio event loop
  -n TCP_PORT           TCP Server Port Number
  -p PUBLISHER_PORT     Publisher IP port
  -s SUBSCRIBER_PORT    Subscriber IP port
  -z PROCESS_NAME       Name of this gateway

TCP_IP_ADDRESS is a required parameter. It is the IP address of the TCP server assigned by the local router.

The BACK_PLANE_IP_ADDRESS, PUBLISHER_PORT, and SUBSCRIBER_PORT are optional parameters and are typically not used. Default values are assigned if not specified.

BANYAN_PUB_TOPIC is the topic used when publishing data to the Banyan network. It has a default value of "from_pico."

SUBSCRIPTION_LIST is the list of topics for messages that the TCP gateway processes and passes on to the TCP server. Typically a single topic is used, and the default value is "figura."

EVENT_LOOP is an optional parameter allowing the application to specify an asyncio event loop. If none is specified, the TCP gateway will create an asyncio loop.

PROCESS_NAME has a default value of "TcpGateway." It displays the TCP Gateway in the application's console window.

Internally, when a subscribed Banyan message arrives, the MessagePack encoded packet is enhanced with a length byte. The packet is forwarded to the TCP server to perform MessagePack decoding and processing.

When the TCP server wishes to send a message to the Banyan network, it MessagePack encodes it and prepends a message length to the message.

The reason for adding a message length is that TCP is a streaming protocol. Multiple messages may be combined into a single TCP packet. Having a message length assures that messages are appropriately framed.

Also, note that the TCP gateway neither encodes nor decodes the messages. Doing so provides better system throughput, and encoding and decoding are performed once when needed.

A demo is provided. Follow this link. for instructions.

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