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Digital Input Methods


 def set_pin_mode_digital_input(self, pin_number, callback=None)

    Set a pin as a digital input.

    :param pin_number: pico pin number

    :param callback: callback function

    callback returns a data list:

    [pin_type, pin_number, pin_value, raw_time_stamp]

    The pin_type for digital input pins = 2


 def set_pin_mode_digital_input_pull_down(self, pin_number, callback=None)

    Set a pin as a digital input with pull down enabled.

    :param pin_number: pico pin number

    :param callback: callback function

    callback returns a data list:

    [pin_type, pin_number, pin_value, raw_time_stamp]

    The pin_type for digital input pins with pullups enabled = 2


 def set_pin_mode_digital_input_pullup(self, pin_number, callback=None)

    Set a pin as a digital input with pullup enabled.

    :param pin_number: pico pin number

    :param callback: callback function

    callback returns a data list:

    [pin_type, pin_number, pin_value, raw_time_stamp]

    The pin_type for digital input pins with pullups enabled = 2

The signature for all three of these methods is identical. The only difference is how the Pico controls its internal resistor.

This method enables one of the selected GPIO pins for digital input. Once this method is called, data change reporting is enabled for that pin. A report is generated when the previously read value differs from the current value. Initially, the previously read value is set to zero. Therefore, the first report will be generated when the current value is non-zero.

The pin type in the report is used to differentiate the pin type that generated the report. For digital inputs, this value is 2. The pin number contains the reporting GPIO pin number. The timestamp is in raw time form.


Reporting is automatically enabled when you set the pin mode. There are times you may wish to turn off reporting for a specific digital input pin. This method allows you to do that.

 def disable_digital_reporting(self, pin)

    Disables digital reporting for a single digital input.

    :param pin: Pin number.


You may re-enable reporting for a selected digital input pin using this method.

 def enable_digital_reporting(self, pin)

    Enable reporting on the specified digital pin.

    :param pin: Pin number.


This method disables reporting for all analog and digital pins configured as inputs.

To re-enable, you will need to re-enable each pin individually.

 def disable_all_reporting(self)

    Disable reporting for all digital and analog input pins


Example Sample Output:

Report Type: 2 Pin: 12 Value: 0 Time Stamp: 2021-03-18 14:37:08
Report Type: 2 Pin: 12 Value: 1 Time Stamp: 2021-03-18 14:37:09
Disabling reporting for pin 12 3 seconds. All others enabled
Re-enabling reporting for pin 12.
Report Type: 2 Pin: 12 Value: 0 Time Stamp: 2021-03-18 14:37:16
Report Type: 2 Pin: 12 Value: 1 Time Stamp: 2021-03-18 14:37:16

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