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User's Guide
Using Python To Remotely Access The
Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect

The Telemetrix-Nano-2040-WiFi and Tmx-Nano-2040-WiFi-AIO Python APIs allow you to access an Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect using Python running on your PC via Wi-Fi connectivity. Telemetrix-Nano-2040-WiFi uses threading to implement concurrency, while Tmx-Nano-2040-WiFi-AIO uses Python asyncio for its concurrency model.

All programming of The Arduino Connect is performed using either of the two Python client APIs. A fixed server sketch is loaded onto the Arduino Connect that accepts client commands and autonomously reports any detected data changes.

Summary Of Major Features:

GPIO And Sensor/Actuator Support:

  • Analog Input
  • Analog (PWM) Output
  • Digital Input
  • Digital Output
  • I2C Communications Protocol
  • SPI Communications Protocol
  • Onboard IMU (Accelerometer and Gyroscope)
  • Onboard Microphone
  • Onboard RGB LED
  • HC-SR04 Type Distance Sensors
  • DHT Temperature/Humidity Sensors
  • NeoPixels
  • Servo Motors
  • All Data change events are reported asynchronously via user registered callback functions and are timestamped.
  • Integrated server debugging facilities are included.

Online Reference Documentation

A Quick Example For Telemetrix-Nano-2040-WiFi

import sys
import time

from tmx_nano2040_wifi import tmx_nano2040_wifi

Monitor a digital input pin with pullup enabled

Setup a pin for digital input and monitor its changes

# Callback data indices
CB_PIN = 1

def the_callback(data):
    A callback function to report data changes.
    This will print the pin number, its reported value and
    the date and time when the change occurred

    :param data: [pin mode, pin, current reported value, pin_mode, timestamp]
    date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(data[CB_TIME]))
    print(f'Report Type: {data[CB_PIN_MODE]} Pin: {data[CB_PIN]} '
          f'Value: {data[CB_VALUE]} Time Stamp: {date}')

# Instantiate teh TmxNano2040WiFi class supplying the IP address of the Nano
board = tmx_nano2040_wifi.TmxNano2040Wifi(ip_address='')

# Set the pin mode and register the callback
board.set_pin_mode_digital_input_pullup(11, the_callback)

    # kill time while waiting for data changes
    while True:

except KeyboardInterrupt:

Sample console output as input change events occur:

Report Type: 2 Pin: 11 Value: 1 Time Stamp: 2021-09-24 16:30:19
Report Type: 2 Pin: 11 Value: 0 Time Stamp: 2021-09-24 16:30:23

A Quick Example For Tmx-Nano2040-WiFi-AIO

import asyncio
import sys
import time

from tmx_nano2040_wifi_aio import tmx_nano2040_wifi_aio

Monitor a digital input pin

Setup a pin for digital input and monitor its changes

# Setup a pin for analog input and monitor its changes
DIGITAL_PIN = 11  # arduino pin number

# Callback data indices
CB_PIN = 1

async def the_callback(data):
    A callback function to report data changes.
    This will print the pin number, its reported value and
    the date and time when the change occurred

    :param data: [pin_mode, pin, current reported value, timestamp]
    date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(data[CB_TIME]))
    print(f'Pin: {data[CB_PIN]} Value: {data[CB_VALUE]} Time Stamp: {date}')

async def digital_in(my_board, pin):
     This function establishes the pin as a
     digital input. Any changes on this pin will
     be reported through the call back function.

     :param my_board: a tmx_nano2040_wifi_aio instance
     :param pin: Arduino pin number

    # set the pin mode and register the callback
    await my_board.set_pin_mode_digital_input(pin, the_callback)

    while True:
            # kill time waiting for data change notifications
            await asyncio.sleep(.001)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            await board.shutdown()

# get the event loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

# instantiate tmx_nano2040_wifi_aio
board = tmx_nano2040_wifi_aio.TmxNano2040WifiAio(ip_address='')

    # start the main function
    loop.run_until_complete(digital_in(board, DIGITAL_PIN))
except (KeyboardInterrupt, RuntimeError) as e:

Copyright (C) 2021 Alan Yorinks. All Rights Reserved.

Last updated 27 September 2021