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NeoPixel Methods


 async def set_pin_mode_neopixel(self, pin_number=28, num_pixels=8, fill_r=0, fill_g=0, 

    Initialize the pico for NeoPixel control. Fill with rgb values specified.

    Default: Set all the pixels to off.

    :param pin_number: neopixel GPIO control pin

    :param num_pixels: number of pixels in the strip

    :param fill_r: initial red fill value 0-255

    :param fill_g: initial green fill value 0-255

    :param fill_b: initial blue fill value 0-255

This method establishes the GPIO pin number for NeoPixel control, the number of LEDs in the strip, and the optional fill color. All LEDs will be set to the specified fill color. By default, all LEDs are turned off.


 async def neo_pixel_set_value(self, pixel_number, r=0, g=0, b=0, auto_show=False)

    Set the selected pixel in the pixel array on the Pico to the value provided.

    :param pixel_number: pixel number

    :param r: red value 0-255

    :param g: green value 0-255

    :param b: blue value 0-255

    :param auto_show: call show automatically

This method is used to set the RGB values of the specified LED in the string. You may display the request immediately by setting auto_show to True. Otherwise, the change for all LEDs will display when neo_pixel_show is called.


 async def neopixel_clear(self, auto_show=True)

    Clear all pixels

    :param auto_show: call show automatically

This method turns all LEDs off. You may delay the action until neopixel_show is called by setting auto_show to False.


 async def neopixel_fill(self, r=0, g=0, b=0, auto_show=True)

    Fill all pixels with specified value

    :param r: 0-255

    :param g: 0-255

    :param b: 0-255

    :param auto_show: call show automatically

This method sets all the LEDs in the string to the same color. You may delay the action until neopixel_show is called by setting auto_show to False.


 async def neopixel_show(self)

    Write the NeoPixel buffer stored in the Pico to the NeoPixel strip.

This method is used to display color updates for all LEDs.


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