Alan Yorinks
Alan Yorinks
1 min read


  • Raspberry
  • Pi
  • Pico


  • MCU

NeoPixel Support Has Been Released

I have just released NeoPixel support for the Pico using Telemetrix.

Here are the steps to control a NeoPixel strip.

  1. First, you must set the pin mode using the set_pin_mode_neopixel API method. Here you specify the GPIO pin number that the NeoPixel strip is controlled with, the number of NeoPixels in your strip (up to a length of 150 is supported), and RGB fill values. NOTE: You must call this method before using any of the following control methods

  2. To set the colors for a given pixel within your strip, use the neo_pixel_set_value method. Here, you specify the pixel number in the strip, the RGB values, and whether you wish to show the changes immediately or wait until the neopixel_show method is called.

  3. You can turn all the pixels off by using the neopixel_clear method. Here you have the choice to affect the changes immediately or not.

  4. The final method is neopixel_fill, where you may set all the pixels to the same color. Again, you may set the colors immediately or wait until you call neopixel_show.

Here is the code for a demo using these methods.

Watch a YouTube video of the demo here.

What Is Coming Next

I am going to take a break from coding to write the User’s Guide.

Once that is complete, I will be working on support for servo motors using a PCC9625 i2c servo motor board similar to the one shown below.