Pymata-Express Version 1.11 Released!
An update of Pymata-Express has been released. The API has been updated to be consistent with the pymata4 API. The format for the data reported in callbacks has been updated as follows:
Callback | Prior To Version 1.11 | Version 1.11 And Above | |
analog input | [pin, current reported value, pin_mode, timestamp] | [pin_mode = 2, pin, current reported value, pin_mode, timestamp] | |
digital input | [pin, current reported value, pin_mode, timestamp] | [pin_mode = 0, pin, current reported value, pin_mode, timestamp] | |
hc-sr04 | [pin, distance] | [pin_mode=12, trigger pin number, distance, timestamp] | |
i2c | [Device address, data bytes] | [pin_mode=6, i2c device address, data bytes, timestamp] |
No other API changes were implemented.
The User’s Guide has been updated and improved.
Here is a list of its major features:
- Python 3.7 (or higher) compatible.
- It offers a simplified pure asyncio API.
- Uses asyncio concurrency techniques for high efficiency.
- It Is FirmataExpress compatible (link speed runs at 115200)
- Data change events may be associated with a callback function for asynchronous notification, or polling may be used when a synchronous approach is desired.
- Each data change event is time-stamped and stored.
- A full set of working examples are available for download online.