SPI Methods
These methods are not specific to a given spi device but instead allow you to control any spi device by implementing the device's protocol as specified by the manufacturer's datasheet.
async def set_pin_mode_spi(self, spi_port=0, miso=16, mosi=19, clock_pin=18,
clk_frequency=500000, chip_select_list=None,
Specify the SPI port, SPI pins, clock frequency and an optional list of
chip select pins. The SPI port is configured as a "master".
:param spi_port: 0 = spi0, 1 = spi1
:param miso: SPI data receive pin
:param mosi: SPI data transmit pin (19 for
:param clock_pin: clock pin
:param clk_frequency: clock frequency in Hz.
:param chip_select_list: this is a list of pins to be used for chip select.
The pins will be configured as output, and set to high ready
to be used for chip select.
NOTE: You must specify the chips select pins here!
:param qualify_pins: If true validate
for spi0:
for spi1:
command message: [command, spi port, mosi, miso, clock, freq msb, freq 3, freq 2, freq 1, number of cs pins, cs pins…]
This method must be called before calling any other spi method. You may choose to use the "standard" MOSI, MISO, and Clock pins as listed above, or if you wish to use a different set of pins, set qualify_pins to False.
All chip select pins for the select SPI port are specified when calling this method.
async def spi_cs_control(self, chip_select_pin, select):
Control an SPI chip select line
:param chip_select_pin: pin connected to CS
:param select: 0=select, 1=deselect
This method is used to set the state of the selected chip select pin. The chip select pin must be one of the pins specified when calling set_pin_mode_spi.
async def spi_read_blocking(self, number_of_bytes, spi_port=0, call_back=None,
Read the specified number of bytes from the specified SPI port and
call the callback function with the reported data.
:param number_of_bytes: Number of bytes to read
:param spi_port: SPI port 0 or 1
:param call_back: Required callback function to report spi data as a
result of read command
:param repeated_tx_data: repeated data to send
callback returns a data list:
[SPI_READ_REPORT, spi_port, count of data bytes, data bytes, time-stamp]
This method retrieves the requested number of bytes and returns the result within the specified callback method.
The callback argument is not optional and must be specified.
async def spi_write_blocking(self, bytes_to_write, spi_port=0):
Write a list of bytes to the SPI device.
:param bytes_to_write: A list of bytes to write. This must be in the form of a
:param spi_port: SPI port 0 or 1
This method writes a list of bytes to the specified SPI port.
async def spi_set_format(self, spi_port=0, data_bits=8, spi_polarity=0,
Configure how the SPI serializes and de-serializes data on the wire.
:param spi_port: SPI port 0 or 1
:param data_bits: Number of data bits per transfer. Valid range = 4-16
:param spi_polarity: clock polarity. 0 or 1.
:param spi_phase: clock phase. 0 or 1.
This method allows you to specify serialization specifics for SPI data transfers.
Example: spi_mpu9250.py
Example Sample Output:
TelemetrixRpiPicoAio: Version 1.1
Copyright (c) 2021 Alan Yorinks All Rights Reserved.
Opening all potential serial ports...
Retrieving pico ID...
Pico Unique ID: [230, 96, 88, 56, 131, 120, 0, 0]
Telemetrix4RPiPico Version Number: 1.1
MPU9250 Device ID confirmed.
AX = -1060 AY = 48 AZ = 16456
GX = -391 GY = 341 GZ = -86
AX = -1068 AY = -20 AZ = 16480
GX = -403 GY = 340 GZ = -81
Copyright (C) 2021 Alan Yorinks. All Rights Reserved.