Understanding Callbacks
When you set a pin mode to one of the several input pin mode types, you must specify a callback function. When the state or value of the input changes, the callback function is called to handle the change.
Callbacks provide immediate feedback when a data change occurs.
For example, we use the following API call to set pin 4 as a digital input pin with pullups enabled.
board.set_pin_mode_digital_input_pullup(4, the_callback)
Here is an example of a callback function that prints the change to the console.
def the_callback(data):
A callback function to report data changes.
This will print the pin number, its reported value and
the date and time when the change occurred
:param data: [pin mode, pin, current reported value, pin_mode, timestamp]
date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(data[CB_TIME]))
print(f'Report Type: {data[CB_PIN_MODE]} Pin: {data[CB_PIN]} '
f'Value: {data[CB_VALUE]} Time Stamp: {date}')
The data parameter passed to the callback function is in the form of a list. It always contains the origin of the callback, such as a digital or analog input, and a timestamp for the data change occurrence.
The contents of the data parameter are specified in the API for each set_pin_mode method. For example:
def set_pin_mode_digital_input_pullup(self, pin_number, callback)
Set a pin as a digital input with pullup enabled.
:param pin_number: GPIO pin number
Valid pins:
4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33
:param callback: callback function
callback returns a data list:
[report_type, pin_number, pin_value, raw_time_stamp]
The report_type for digital input pins with pullups enabled = 2
This list contains: [pin_type, pin_number, pin_value, raw_time_stamp] The pin type for this pin mode is 2.