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Introduction To The Tutorials

Learning By Example

The tutorials included with this guide provide samples of simple working applications. The tutorials help demonstrate Python Banyan's features and the set of utilities that are part of the python-banyan package.

The Key Elements of Python Banyan

There are two key components of the Banyan Framework, the backplane that acts as a communication hub, and the Banyan Components where you implement your design. This section will discuss these two elements.

The Banyan Backplane

When you install Python Banyan, an executable file called backplane is automatically installed on your computer. The backplane is implemented as a ZeroMQ device called a Forwarder.

When connecting to the backplane, all components utilize common, well-known IP addresses and port numbers. As a result, routing is greatly simplified, and in most cases, eliminates the need for maintaining a routing table.

Because a Banyan component automatically attempts to "plug" itself into the backplane when first invoked, the backplane must be started before starting any other components.

If you forget to first start the backplane, the component will raise a RunTimeError exception.

In general, a Banyan application uses a single instance of the backplane. However, it is possible to have multiple backplanes running in a single application. Using multiple backplanes will be covered in a later section.

Since the backplane is not usually modified by the user, its code will not be discussed here, but if you wish, you may view the backplane source code here.

Starting the Backplane

To start the backplane, open a command or terminal window and type:


After starting the backplane, you will see a standard Python Banyan header for the Backplane.

The backplane name is displayed. The default is "Backplane," and usually, this default is accepted. You may change it using a command-line option described below

The backplane always uses the computer's IP address on which it is run and is not user-configurable. This address is auto-discovered.

The Subscriber and Publisher Ports are also displayed. For applications that will run on a single computer, the default ports should be accepted. These values are user-configurable, in case you need to modify them.

The Loop Time sets the iteration time for the backplane's idle loop. Usually, the default should be accepted, but it can be altered to fine-tune the application's CPU utilization.

The Backplane's Command-Line Options

To see the command-line options for the backplane type:

backplane -h

To specify a command-line option, provide the option and its parameter value. Multiple options may be set if desired.

backplane -n MyBackplane -p 12345 -s 54321 -t .01

The parameters consisting of backplane name, the publisher port, the subscriber port, and loop time have all been customized in the example above.

Always Start The Backplane First

A Python Banyan component expects the backplane to be running when it is instantiated. If you forget to start the backplane, the component will raise a RunTimeException.

Python Banyan Base Class And Its Methods

Most Python Banyan components need only to connect to a single Backplane and are built by inheriting from the banyan_base base class,

If you need to create your application using multiple backplanes (a rare occurrence), please refer to this section for a discussion of the banyan_base_multi class.

There is also a Python asyncio version of the base class called

The BanyanBase Class Methods

The methods of the BanyanBase class are discussed in detail below.

An "executive summary" of the methods follows:

  1. _init_ - This method initializes the class. A derived class often overrides this method to add additional initialization parameters as well as being a convenient place to add subscription topics. The Banyan event loop, called receive_loop, may be started within this method. If you choose to start the receive_loop within __init__, it should be called as the last line of the overridden method, since a call to receive_loop will not return.

  2. set_subscriber_topic - This method is usually not overridden and is used as-is. This method is called for each subscription topic.

  3. publish_payload - This method is usually not overridden and used as-is. This method will format the message and send it to the backplane.

  4. receive_loop - This method is usually not overridden and used as-is. This method waits to receive messages that have topics that have been subscribed to. When a message is received, it calls the incoming_message_processing method.

  5. incoming_message_processing - This method must be overridden to handle incoming messages.

  6. clean_up - This method may be overridden to add any additional clean-up for terminating a component.

To better understand the base class, let's look at the code line by line. You can skip this section and move on to the examples and return later if you need a more detailed explanation of the base class.

Lines 1 through 19 displays the license information.

     1  """
     4   Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Alan Yorinks All right reserved.
     6   Python Banyan is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     7   modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
     8   Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     9   or (at your option) any later version.
    10   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    11   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    13   General Public License for more details.
    15   You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
    16   along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    17   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
    19  """

Lines 20 through 36 lists the packages required by All required packages are automatically installed when the Python Banyan distribution is first installed.

Note that lines 25 through 27 are commented out. A template for creating command-line options for your component is provided at the bottom of the file. This is totally optional, but if you wish to use the template, you will need to uncomment outlines 25 through 27.

The template will be discussed at the end of this discussion.

    20  from __future__ import unicode_literals
    22  # Use argparse and signal if you wish to implement the argparse
    23  # code located at the bottom of this file.
    25  # import argparse
    26  # import signal
    27  # import sys
    29  import socket
    30  import time
    31  import umsgpack
    32  import msgpack
    33  import msgpack_numpy as m
    34  import zmq
    35  import psutil

Line 38 declares the BanyanBase class. It inherits from object to keep the class Python 2 compatible.

Lines 41 through 49 provide a brief description of the class.

Line 53 shows the import line used to import this class into your component. The examples will demonstrate how to import BanyanBase.

    38  class BanyanBase(object):
    39      """
    41      This is the base class for all Python Banyan components,
    42      encapsulating and acting as an abstraction layer for zeromq and message pack
    43      functionality.
    45      Banyan components are derived by inheriting from this class and
    46      overriding its methods as necessary.
    48      Banyan components have the capability to both publish and subscribe to user
    49      defined messages using the Banyan backplane.
    51      To import into  the derived class use:
    53             from python_banyan.banyan_base import BanyanBase
    55      """

The base class consists of 6 methods, and the following is a discussion of each of the methods.


The __init__ method is overwritten as needed. A subscription to specific topics is often established in this method by calling set_subscriber_topic for each topic.

    57      def __init__(self, back_plane_ip_address=None, subscriber_port='43125',
    58                   publisher_port='43124', process_name='None', loop_time=.1, numpy=False,
    59                   external_message_processor=None, receive_loop_idle_addition=None,
    60                   connect_time=0.3):
    61          """
    62          The __init__ method sets up all the ZeroMQ "plumbing"

Line 57 through 59 constitutes the parameter list for the __init__ method. Notice that all of the parameters contain default values. In most cases accepting the defaults is all that you need.

Lines 64 through 85 documents each the parameters and are discussed below,


The default for this parameter is None. The component will discover the local computer's IP address and assume that the backplane is also running on this computer. If the component is running on a computer other than the one that the backplane is running on. In that case, this parameter will need to match the IP address of the running backplane.

    64          :param back_plane_ip_address: banyan_base back_planeIP Address -
    65                                        if not specified, it will be set to the
    66                                        local computer.
subscriber and publisher ports

These are default IP ports dictated by those set for the backplane. Usually, the defaults are accepted. However, they may be modified if there are any port conflicts, or if you are running in a system that has more than one backplane running on a computer.

    68          :param subscriber_port: banyan_base back plane subscriber port.
    69                 This must match that of the banyan_base backplane
    71          :param publisher_port: banyan_base back plane publisher port.
    72                                 This must match that of the banyan_base backplane.

This sets the name shown in the component's console header for identification purposes. If not specified, the name of the component will be 'None'.

    74          :param process_name: Component identifier in banner at component startup.

A Banyan component continuously checks for any incoming messages. If no messages are available, then the component will sleep for the specified loop time. The smaller the number, the greater the CPU utilization for the component.

    76          :param loop_time: Receive loop sleep time.

If the component requires Numpy data handling, then set this parameter to True to efficiently serialize the data.

    78          :param numpy: Set true if you wish to include numpy matrices in your messages.

Typically all incoming messages are handled within the Banyan component itself. If specified, message processing will be done outside of the component and act similarly to a callback.

    80          :param external_message_processor: external method to process messages

Usually, the receive idle loop is executed when no messages are present. If you wish to perform some additional processing during idle time, set this parameter to the function or method you would like to call. The function or method should be non-blocking.

    82          :param receive_loop_idle_addition: an external method called in the idle section
    83                                             of the receive loop
    84          """

This parameter allows for the connection between the component and backplane to complete. It prevents a race condition from occurring when trying to publish a message before the connection to the backplane has been established.

85          :param connect_time: a short delay to allow the component to connect to the backplane

The actual class code for the method follows the parameter documentation strings.

Line 89 allows for the possibility of multiple inheritances. An example might be the need to import the threading module in addition to BanyanBase.

    88          # call to super allows this class to be used in multiple inheritance scenarios when needed
    89          super(BanyanBase, self).__init__()

Line 91 declares a flag which is set when the check for a running backplane takes place.

Lines 93 through 97 assign the input parameters to instance variables.

    91          self.backplane_exists = False
    93          self.back_plane_ip_address = None
    94          self.numpy = numpy
    95          self.external_message_processor = external_message_processor
    96          self.receive_loop_idle_addition = receive_loop_idle_addition
    97          self.connect_time = connect_time

Lines 99 through 101 are used to enable the numpy version of messagepack if the numpy parameter was set to True.

    99          # if using numpy apply the msgpack_numpy monkey patch
   100          if numpy:
   101              m.patch()

Lines 103 through 105 set the IP address for the backplane if one was specified.

If no backplane IP address was specified, Lines 107 through 121 checks to see if a backplane is currently running. If a backplane is running, the self.backplane_exists flag is set to True.

NOTE: When the backplane is running on a remote computer, the local component cannot detect the remote backplane's presence. Therefore, it is the user's responsibility to check for a running remote backplane in this case.

   103          # If no back plane address was specified, determine the IP address of the local machine
   104          if back_plane_ip_address:
   105              self.back_plane_ip_address = back_plane_ip_address
   106          else:
   107              # check for a running backplane
   108              for pid in psutil.pids():
   109                  p = psutil.Process(pid)
   110                  try:
   111                      p_command = p.cmdline()
   112                  except psutil.AccessDenied:
   113                      # occurs in Windows - ignore
   114                      continue
   115                  try:
   116                      if any('backplane' in s for s in p_command):
   117                          self.backplane_exists = True
   118                      else:
   119                          continue
   120                  except UnicodeDecodeError:
   121                      continue

Lines 123 through 124 checks to see if a local backplane was found. If not, a RunTimeError is raised. If a backplane was detected as running, lines 125 through 129 retrieve the local computer's IP address and then sets the backplane_ip_address to that address.

Lines 131 through 134 continue setting instance variables from input parameters received by the __init__ method.

   123              if not self.backplane_exists:
   124                  raise RuntimeError('Backplane is not running - please start it.')
   125              # determine this computer's IP address
   126              s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
   127              # use the google dns
   128              s.connect(('', 0))
   129              self.back_plane_ip_address = s.getsockname()[0]
   131          self.subscriber_port = subscriber_port
   132          self.publisher_port = publisher_port
   134          self.loop_time = loop_time

Lines 136 through 141 print out the standard Python Banyan console heading. It includes the process_name, backplane_ip_address, subscriber_port, publisher_port, and loop_time.

   136          print('\n************************************************************')
   137          print(process_name + ' using Back Plane IP address: ' + self.back_plane_ip_address)
   138          print('Subscriber Port = ' + self.subscriber_port)
   139          print('Publisher  Port = ' + self.publisher_port)
   140          print('Loop Time = ' + str(loop_time) + ' seconds')
   141          print('************************************************************')

Lines 143 through 151 establish ZeroMQ publish and subscribe connections to the backplane.

Line 154 calls time.sleep to wait for the duration of the connect_time value. This allows for enough time for both the publisher and subscriber connections to be established.

   143          # establish the zeromq sub and pub sockets and connect to the backplane
   144          self.my_context = zmq.Context()
   145          self.subscriber = self.my_context.socket(zmq.SUB)
   146          connect_string = "tcp://" + self.back_plane_ip_address + ':' + self.subscriber_port
   147          self.subscriber.connect(connect_string)
   149          self.publisher = self.my_context.socket(zmq.PUB)
   150          connect_string = "tcp://" + self.back_plane_ip_address + ':' + self.publisher_port
   151          self.publisher.connect(connect_string)
   153          # Allow enough time for the TCP connection to the Backplane complete.
   154          time.sleep(self.connect_time)


This method is not typically overridden.

Line 156 defines the set_subscriber_topic method that requires a topic string parameter. This method must be called for each subscribed topic.

Lines 166 through 167 validate that the topic is a string. If the topic is not a string, then a TypeError is raised.

Line 169 encodes the topic and registers it with ZeroMQ.

   156      def set_subscriber_topic(self, topic):
   157          """
   158          This method sets a subscriber topic.
   160          You can subscribe to multiple topics by calling this method for
   161          each topic.
   163          :param topic: A topic string
   164          """
   166          if not type(topic) is str:
   167              raise TypeError('Subscriber topic must be python_banyan string')
   169          self.subscriber.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topic.encode())


This method is typically not overridden.

Line 171 defines the publish_payload method. It accepts two parameters, a message payload that by convention is in the form of a Python dictionary. The dictionary may contain one or more key/value pairs. The second parameter is a message topic that must be in the form of a valid string.

Lines 181 through 182 validate that the topic is a string. If the topic is not of string type, then a TypeError exception is raised.

Lines 185 through 188 select the messagepack version to use to encode the payload for transmission across the network. If the numpy parameter was set, then messagepack_numpy is selected for use. Otherwise, standard messagepack is selected.

Line 190 encodes the topic for transmission across the network.

Line 191 publishes the message by calling ZeroMQ send_multipart.

   171      def publish_payload(self, payload, topic=''):
   172          """
   173          This method will publish a python_banyan payload and its associated topic
   175          :param payload: Protocol message to be published
   177          :param topic: A string value
   178          """
   180          # make sure the topic is a string
   181          if not type(topic) is str:
   182              raise TypeError('Publish topic must be python_banyan string', 'topic')
   184          # create python_banyan message pack payload
   185          if self.numpy:
   186              message = msgpack.packb(payload, default=m.encode)
   187          else:
   188              message = umsgpack.packb(payload)
   190          pub_envelope = topic.encode()
   191          self.publisher.send_multipart([pub_envelope, message])


   193      def receive_loop(self):
   194          """
   195          This is the receive loop for Banyan messages.
   197          This method may be overwritten to meet the needs
   198          of the application before handling received messages.
   200          """
   201          while True:
   202              try:
   203                  data = self.subscriber.recv_multipart(zmq.NOBLOCK)
   204                  if self.numpy:
   205                      payload2 = {}
   206                      payload = msgpack.unpackb(data[1], object_hook=m.decode)
   207                      # convert keys to strings
   208                      # this compensates for the breaking change in msgpack-numpy 0.4.1 to 0.4.2
   209                      for key, value in payload.items():
   210                          if not type(key) == str:
   211                              key = key.decode('utf-8')
   212                              payload2[key] = value
   214                      if payload2:
   215                          payload = payload2
   216                      self.incoming_message_processing(data[0].decode(), payload)
   217                  else:
   218                      self.incoming_message_processing(data[0].decode(), umsgpack.unpackb(data[1]))
   219              # if no messages are available, zmq throws this exception
   220              except zmq.error.Again:
   221                  try:
   222                      if self.receive_loop_idle_addition:
   223                          self.receive_loop_idle_addition()
   224                      time.sleep(self.loop_time)
   225                  except KeyboardInterrupt:
   226                      self.clean_up()
   227                      raise KeyboardInterrupt

This method is the Python Banyan event loop and it is typically not overridden.

Line 201 is the beginning of a forever loop.

To retrieve the next available message on the subscription queue, line 203 calls the ZeroMQ recv_multipart method with the non-blocking flag set.

When A Message Is Available

If a message is available, it is assigned to the data variable on line 203.

Line 204 checks to see if the numpy flag was set, and if it were, lines 205 through 216 are executed to handle the numpy data. This code exists because a breaking change was added to the messagepack_numpy package by its author. This code is required to handle the latest and earlier versions of messagepack_numpy.

The decoded topic string and payload are then passed to the incoming_message_processing method to process the message. Line 216 handles the case for numpy data, and 218 for non-numpy data.

When No Messages Are Available

When the ZeroMQ recv_mutlipart method is called, and no data is available on the subscription queue, ZeroMQ raises a zmq.error.Again exception. The exception handler constitutes the idle portion of the Python Banyan event loop. During idle time, the receive_loop_idle_addition variable is checked, and if set, the method assigned to receive_loop_idle_addition is called.

Within the idle loop, a sleep is performed for the loop_time duration. This relinquishes control of the CPU to allow other components to run. If the user presses Control-C during the idle loop, a KeyboardInterrupt exception is raised.


This method must be overridden to process the incoming messages. The decoded topic, in the form of a string, and decoded payload, typically in the form of a dictionary, are passed in as input parameters.

The message is typically processed within this method. Still, it may be handled by an external function or method specified by the external_message_processor parameter.

   229      def incoming_message_processing(self, topic, payload):
   230          """
   231          Override this method with a custom Banyan message processor for subscribed messages.
   233          :param topic: Message Topic string.
   235          :param payload: Message Data.
   236          """
   237          if self.external_message_processor:
   238              self.external_message_processor(topic, payload)
   239          else:
   240              print('this method should be overwritten in the child class', topic, payload)


This method may be overridden. It is typically called before terminating the component. Both the publisher and subscriber close their respective connections and terminate the ZeroMQ session for the component.
You may add any additional clean-up that your component may require.

   242      def clean_up(self):
   243          """
   244          Clean up before exiting - override if additional cleanup is necessary
   246          """
   247          self.publisher.close()
   248          self.subscriber.close()
   249          self.my_context.term()

A Template For Component Command-Line Options

If you would like to provide the facility to specify command-line options for a component, the following is a template to do so.

This will be explained in detail in a later section.

   251  # When creating a derived component, replicate the code below and replace
   252  # banyan_base with a name of your choice.
   254  # def banyan_base():
   255  #     # Allow user to bypass the IP address auto-discovery.
   256  #     # This is necessary if the component resides on a computer
   257  #     # other than the computing running the backplane.
   258  #
   259  #     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
   260  #     parser.add_argument("-b", dest="back_plane_ip_address", default="None",
   261  #                         help="None or IP address used by Back Plane")
   262  #
   263  #     # allow the user to specify a name for the component and have it shown on the console banner.
   264  #     # modify the default process name to one you wish to see on the banner.
   265  #     # change the default in the derived class to set the name
   266  #     parser.add_argument("-n", dest="process_name", default="YOUR PROCESS NAME", help="Set process name in banner")
   267  #
   268  #     parser.add_argument("-t", dest="loop_time", default=".1", help="Event Loop Timer in seconds")
   269  #
   270  #     args = parser.parse_args()
   271  #     kw_options = {}
   272  #
   273  #     if args.back_plane_ip_address != 'None':
   274  #         kw_options['back_plane_ip_address'] = args.back_plane_ip_address
   275  #
   276  #     kw_options['process_name'] = args.process_name
   277  #
   278  #     kw_options['loop_time'] = float(args.loop_time)
   279  #
   280  #     # replace with the name of your class
   281  #     app = BanyanBase(**kw_options)
   282  #
   283  #     # optionally add any subscriber topics here
   284  #     app.set_subscriber_topic('python_banyan')
   285  #
   286  #     # optionally start the receive loop here or start it in your __init__
   287  #     try:
   288  #         app.receive_loop()
   289  #     except KeyboardInterrupt:
   290  #         sys.exit()
   291  #
   292  #     # signal handler function called when Control-C occurs
   293  #     # noinspection PyShadowingNames,PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal
   294  #     def signal_handler(signal, frame):
   295  #         print("Control-C detected. See you soon.")
   296  #         app.clean_up()
   297  #         sys.exit(0)
   298  #
   299  #     # listen for SIGINT
   300  #     signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
   301  #     signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
   302  #
   303  #
   304  # if __name__ == '__main__':
   305  #     # replace with name of function you defined above
   306  #     banyan_base()

The Examples

In the next section, we will begin using the hands-on demos to understand how to build and use Python Banyan components.

Where To Find The Example Source Code

The code for all the examples may be found on GitHub.

Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Alan Yorinks All Rights Reserved