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The Concurrency Model


In this section, we discuss the concurrency model used by pymata4.

According to Wikipedia, "concurrency is the ability of different parts or units of a program, algorithm, or problem to be executed out-of-order or in partial order, without affecting the final outcome. This allows for parallel execution of the concurrent units, which can significantly improve overall speed of the execution in multi-processor and multi-core systems."

To assure the best possible performance, pymata4 needs to do the following tasks, all at the same time:

  • Accept and process API calls from the application.
    • Translate the API calls into Firmata formatted messages.
    • Transmit these messages across the serial link.
  • Continuously receive data from the serial link.
    • Assure no data loss
  • Decode the received data.
    • Store information in the pymata4 internal data structures.
    • Notify the application of data change notifications by calling the user-provided callback methods.

To accomplish all this, pymata4 uses the Python threading module. It breaks its tasks into three main threads, the Command Thread, the Reporter Thread, and the Serial Data Reciever Thread.

The concurrency model is depicted in the diagram below. The three threads, including the data structures that provide inter-thread communication, are contained in the rectangle with the solid border. This rectangle constitutes the pymata4 package.

The user application is depicted on the left side of the diagram, and the Arduino containing the Firmata sketch is shown on the right.

The Command Thread

Whenever your application makes an API method call, it is interacting directly with the Command Thread. API calls may be thought of as synchronous (blocking) or asynchronous (non-blocking) calls.

Synchronous API Method Calls

The synchronous API methods may be placed into two categories. Calls that poll for cached data values and calls that request report generation.

Polling Method Calls

  • read_analog
  • read_digital
  • i2c_read_saved_data
  • sonar_read

When the application calls one of the polling methods, the Command Thread accesses the pin data, i2c data, or sonar data structures and retrieves the current value of the requested item.

The polling calls are reasonably quick in that the Command Thread reads and returns a value from one of the internal data structures and does not interact with the other threads. Because the data structures may be accessed by both the Command Thread and the Reporter Thread, a threading lock is used to prevent data corruption. As a result, there is some slight overhead to obtain and release the lock.

Report Request Method Calls

  • get_analog_map
  • get_capability_report
  • get_firmware_version
  • get_pin_state
  • get_protocol_version
  • get_pymata_version

When your application requests a report:

  1. A report request message is formed and sent across the serial link to the Arduino.
  2. The Command Thread waits in a blocking loop anticipating the report reply.
  3. The Arduino processes the request. It formulates a reply and sends a response over the serial link.
  4. The Serial Data Receiver Thread receives the reply, and places each character on the deque that is shared between the Serial Data Receiver Thread and the Reporter Thread.
  5. The Reporter Thread decodes the reply and stores the result in an internal data structure shared with the Command Thread.
  6. The Command Thread detects that the report is available, and returns the report to the application. The operation is now complete, and the Command Thread is no longer blocked.

Requesting report information should only be done when necessary because of the long blocking period of the request.

Asynchronous API Method Calls

All other API methods calls are considered asynchronous in that they do not block. These calls only involve the Command Thread. They build a Firmata message and send the message to the Arduino over the serial link.

  • digital_pin_write
  • digital_write
  • disable_analog_reporting
  • disable_digital_reporting
  • enable_analog_reporting
  • enable_digital_reporting
  • i2c_read
  • i2c_read_continuous
  • i2c_read_restart_transmission
  • i2c_write
  • keep_alive
  • play_tone
  • play_tone_continuously
  • play_tone_off
  • pwm_write
  • send_reset
  • servo_write
  • set_pin_mode_analog_input
  • set_pin_mode_digital_input
  • set_pin_mode_digital_input_pullup
  • set_pin_mode_digital_output
  • set_pin_mode_i2c
  • set_pin_mode_pwm_output
  • set_pin_mode_servo
  • set_pin_mode_sonar
  • set_pin_mode_stepper
  • set_pin_mode_tone
  • set_sampling_interval
  • shutdown
  • sonar_read
  • stepper_write

The Reporter Thread

The Reporter Thread continuously monitors the deque to see if any data is available from the Arduino to process. When it detects data is present, it removes the data and adds it to a buffer. It parses the data as it arrives until a complete message is received.

If the Reporter Thread receives an input data type message, it writes the latest reported value to the appropriate shared data structure.

The Reporter Thread also determines if there is a registered callback method for the event. If so, it calls the callback method passing in the appropriate data list.

Callback methods should be written to be as fast as possible so that the Reporter Thread is not blocked.

The Serial Data Receiver Thread

The Serial Data Receiver Thread continuously monitors the serial port for incoming data. It receives data one character at a time and places the data into the deque that it shares with the Reporter Thread.

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