The pymata-cpx API

You may view the complete pymata-cpx API by clicking on this link. The API supports both the Circuit Playground Express input sensors and output devices. Let's start by exploring the input sensors.

Circuit Playground Express Input Sensors

Below is the list of the Circuit Playground Express input devices supported by pymata-cpx:

The API Input Device Start And Stop Methods

All of these devices have two methods associated with them. One to start continuous reporting for the sensor, and the second to stop continuous reporting.

For example, to continuously receive change reports for Button B, call


All the start methods require that you provide a callback method. When the sensor changes value, the callback is invoked with information about the change. More about this in a moment.

If you no longer wish to receive change notifications, call the stop method for the sensor. Continuing with using Button B as an example, to discontinue Button B from sending value change notifications, call:


Understanding Callbacks

When using any of the input device start methods, you must provide a callback method. The callback method is a method that you write to accept sensor change notifications. The format for all input callback methods is the same. If a callback is created with the name my_callback, its signature looks as follows :


The data parameter is provided to the callback method in the form of a list. The length of the list and the data it contains varies depending upon which input device generated the report.

You may specify a separate callback for each of the input devices you've enabled, or you can share a callback across multiple sensors. The choice is yours.

Understanding The Callback Data

For each input device type, the API specifies the list data received by the callback method. The format for the data is as follows:

Index 0 is the pin type for the input device. A value of 32 indicates that this is a digital type device, and a value of 2 indicates that this device is an analog device. Knowing the pin type is useful if you wish to have your callback method handle multiple sensors.

Index 1 is the internal pin number for the device. See the tables below.

Index 2 and above* contain the data value of the sensor. The data is sensor dependent.

For each start method, there is a comment in the API that describes the format for the data parameter that will be provided when your callback method is invoked.

For example, looking at the API entry for cpx_button_b_start , here is what you would see:

 def cpx_button_b_start(self, callback)

    Enable button and report state changes in the callback.

    :param callback: a list of values described below.

    Parameters sent to callback:

    [Digital Pin Type: 32, Pin Number: 5, switch value: 1 if pressed zero if released.]

The last line describes the values placed in the data parameter for the callback method. We would expect to see a list that contains: [32, 5, DATA_VALUE], where DATA_VALUE is either a zero or 1.

Let's look at an example that returns multiple values. Here is the API entry for receiving notification of changes to a capacitive touch pad:

 def cpx_cap_touch_start(self, input_pin, callback)

    Start continuous capacitive touch queries for the specified input pin. Will invoke the provided callback each time a new cap touch result is available.

    :param input_pin: must be one of the Ax pin numbers. Use only the number.

                  example: cpx_cap_touch_start(5, a_callback_function)

    :param callback: a list of values described below.

    Parameters sent to callback:

    [Analog Pin Type: 2, Pin Number: 1-7, Touched: True or False, Raw data value]

For a capacitive touchpad callback, we would expect the data to look like [2, PIN_NUMBER, BOOLEAN_STATE, RAW_DATA_VALUE]

Index 0 identifies the event coming from an analog device. Index 1 contains the pin number where the change was detected. Index 2 contains either True or False to indicate the current state of the touch sensor, and Index 3 contains the raw analog value for the sensor if you wish to use that value.

All of the start methods in the API identify the items you can expect to find in the callback list.

Pin Numbers

Here are the pin numbers you would expect to see in the callback data list for each of the sensor types.

Digital Inputs

Digital Pin Number Device
4 Button A
5 Button B
7 Slide Switch
12 Tap Sensor

Analog Inputs

Analog Pin Number Sensor
1 - 7 Touchpad
8 Light
9 Temperature
10 Sound
11 Accelerometer

The Circuit Playground Express Output Actuators

Below is the list of the Circuit Playground Express on-board actuators supported by pymata-cpx:

The Examples

The best way to understand how to use the API is to see some example code. The following table contains a link to source code for each example and a list of the sensors and actuators that the example uses.

With the exception of the buttons_switch_and_pixels example, all of the example code is contained within a class. If you prefer to work in a procedural style, the buttons_switch_and_pixels provides an illustration of the procedural style.

Example Sensors Actuators
buttons_switch_and_pixels Button A, Button B, Slide Switch Neopixels 1, 3, 6 and 8
light_meter Light Sensor All 10 Neopixels
the clapper Sound sensor All 10 Neopixels
the tapper Accelorometer tap sensor All 10 Neopixels
thermometer Temperature sensor All 10 Neopixels
tilted Accelerometer None
touch_piano All 7 Touchpads Tone Generator

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