Adding microfs to PyCharm External Tools
The microfs utility interacts with the limited file system provided by MicroPython on the BBC micro:bit. It is invoked using the command named ufs.
Attention Linux Users
You may need to add your username to the dialout group to access the serial port. If not you may see a permission denied message when trying to use the ufs commands.
To add yourself to the dialout group, open a terminal window and type the following:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout YOUR_LINUX_LOGIN_ID
Replace YOUR_LINUX_LOGIN_ID with your actual login ID.
Then reboot the operating system.
Creating External Tools For UFS
We will create an External Tool for the following ufs commands:
- ls - list the files in the file system
- put - place a file into the file system
- rm - remove a file from the file system
- get - retrieve a file from the file system
For each of the commands we will select Settings/Tool/External Tools from the Settings then fill in the fields for each command
ufs ls
- Program: $PyInterpreterDirectory$/ufs
- Arguments: ls
- Working Directory: left blank
ufs put
- Program: $PyInterpreterDirectory$/ufs
- Arguments: put $FileName$
- Working Directory: $FileDir$
ufs rm
- Program: $PyInterpreterDirectory$/ufs
- Arguments: rm $FileName$
- Working Directory: $FileDir$
ufs get
- Program: $PyInterpreterDirectory$/ufs
- Arguments: get $FileName$
- Working Directory: $FileDir$